At the beginning of this project, I wanted to create color schemes, but I also want to make this design inclusive for color blind people. So I looked at the effect of different colors and picked the ones that I believe translate best.
During these Plus Weeks I familiarised myself with an unknown subject/medium. I didn't only get to know speculative, but also inclusive design. How to better understand our society and its/my/our perspective. To question the possibilities and start a conversation. I learned about the ethical approach of a design and realized that I could be, want to be, more inclusive. We don't take everyone into consideration, and I think that should change. We should know and design for different kinds of people.

I learned that designing fashion is hard, I underestimated it. But I did it none the less. This project isn't finished though, because I would like to create this look one day, and visualize it on an actual person. I think it would make the project visually stronger and tangible.